Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Yuck 'n Yum AGK 2013 - Indiegogo

Since 2010 the Annual General Karaoke has attracted the brightest and best artists from across Scotland and beyond, all devising, directing and editing their own karaoke videos, which are then performed on the night for an array of glittering prizes. It’s a karaoke night where the videos are made especially for the event. It’s a karaoke video competition! We’re delighted to announce that this year the AGK will be part of the 2013 NEoN festival. Past AGKs have included dancing milk cartons, fake blood, stripping, screaming, floor rolling, drinking, smashed keyboards, women with moustaches, skeletons and of course some lovely singing too!

Who are Yuck ’n Yum? We are a not for profit constituted group with a history in art zines and hosting events. We promote and distribute art outside the gallery setting.

For the last few months tremendously talented videomakers from all over Scotland and further afield have been sweating over their AGK videos. The deadline is fast approaching, and on November 9th we hope to deliver the best AGK yet… but we need your help.

Despite tremendous support from our volunteers NEoN and the HMC, pulling off our amazing AGK nights is always an expensive enterprise. PA hire, documentation, screen building, prizes, printing and technical equipment all adds up.

If you enjoy or have enjoyed any of our free events, including the last three AGKs or free zines over the last few years, and think “I can spare £5 to help these guys improve upon the already amazing AGK” then please do. Anything you can afford would be brilliant. Don’t underestimate that help, it would be tremendous! If we can find two hundred people who are willing to give us £5 then we are well on our way.

If you can’t give us anything then please just share this page with your friends and family and please please spread the word. And don't forget to 'like' our Yuck ‘n Yum Facebook page.

This year’s AGK promises more karaoke videos made especially for the event, and more moving, unique and downright strange performances! For those who have not made a karaoke video and are too shy to sing, this is your chance to be part of one of the most talked about events in Dundee’s creative calendar.

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