Thursday, 10 October 2013

Yuck 'n Yum is dead, long live Yuck 'n Yum‏

Dear Yuck 'n Yummers,

Sit tight and stay calm, because we have some very important news to tell you.

The bad news is that THE YUCK ‘N YUM ZINE IS DEAD! We will no longer be publishing the quarterly zine that bears our name. We’d like to wish a huge thank you to all contributors, and to all those who’ve helped the cause over our 5 years' lifetime.

The winter 2013 issue of Yuck 'n Yum is to be the last ever. We hope to leave behind a beautiful corpse, and we hope you’ll all play nicely with it.

The good news is that YUCK ‘N YUM IS STILL ALIVE! We’ll continue to produce art events and multiples, and we’ll still work outside the gallery context. Look out for further announcements in due course, and the AGK will still carry on as scheduled.

Now that bombshell is over with, there are also a few other things we'd like to tell you, including the last ever submissions deadline and how you can help our AGK. Read on to find out.

1 - Autumn edition now online

We'd like to say a big thank you to GENERATORprojects for hosting our Autumn13 launch and to Beth Savage and Ruth Aitken for their fabulous performances. The Autumn edition is now online and will soon be at stockists throughout the UK.

2 - Last ever Yuck 'n Yum zine submission deadline is November the 16th 2013

Winter13 will be our final black and white musing delivered to you in an A5 booklet, however we need your help to make it special.  Without your contributions over the years there would have been no Yuck 'n Yum and for that we are eternally grateful.  So lets go out in style and send it off with a bang and send send send in your delectable treats!  However before you do, remember to glance at our how to submit guidelines, which are on our website.

2 - The Annual General Karaoke 4/// Please support our Indiegogo campaign

For the last few months tremendously talented videomakers from all over Scotland and further afield have been sweating over their AGK videos. The deadline is fast approaching, and on November 9th we hope to deliver the best AGK yet… but we need your help.  Despite tremendous support from our volunteers NEoN and the HMC, pulling off our amazing AGK nights is always an expensive enterprise. PA hire, documentation, screen building, prizes, printing and technical equipment all adds up.  If you enjoy or have enjoyed any of our free events, including the last three AGKs or free zines over the last few years, and think “I can spare £5 to help these guys improve upon the already amazing AGK” then please do. Anything you can afford would be brilliant. Don’t underestimate that help, it would be tremendous!  If you can’t give us anything then please just share the link with your friends and family and please please spread the word.

The AGK is part of NEoN Digital Art Festival this year and will be taking place at the Vision building in Dundee on the November the 9th.  For more information about the festival please visit the festival website.

Plus watch out for an email from us next week as we have a VERY exciting opportunity for zine makers in the pipeline!

Love from the Yuck 'n Yum team

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