Sunday, 22 June 2014

shift @ Enjoy..! Coffee Lounge 22.06.14 - pictures

To the Enjoy..! Coffee Lounge today for shift, a show of new works by Morgan Cahn, Becca Clark, Katie Reid, Richard Taylor and Lada Wilson. Made in response to an understanding of the third place, a place other than or in between ‘home' and ‘workplace', the Coffee Lounge becomes studio, gallery and library playing host to performance and installation over one Sunday afternoon.

The name of the show is shift 

Questioning how we enact the process of learning, while highlighting the moments of educational exchange that can occur through conversation, Morgan develops an active and evolving library as she shares and exchanges knowledge with visitors.

Richard Taylor presented a small sculpture and a drawing, connected by themes expanded upon in a new text read to the audience along with selected photography. The text was read at 1pm, 2.30pm and 4pm during the event. Each time the reading was slightly edited after journeying repeatedly to the top of Dundee Law hill and back down to the coffee lounge to read again.

For shift, Lada Wilson invited the audience to take part in a verbal and visual exchange that created a portrait of time from words and imagination.

A zine by Becca Clark 

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