The _Black_Acrylic Cine Salon ran from November 2007 until May 2008. The idea with this project was to present a series of films that viewers would be unlikely to see anywhere else, in a relaxed environment conductive to contemplation and discussion. Films were not chosen according to any specific brief, but over time it became apparent that a few specific themes had come to dominate. The common thread in all these films is that they suggest new possibilities, and take the viewer to a place where cinematic conventions do not apply. With two exceptions (Nekromantik and Christmas Evil), I hadn’t seen any of the films myself before screening them.
The Salon came about through a happy mix of circumstances. Primarily, I found myself in a house that had a spacious living room. I was able to procure a large television set from a friend, and I’d already installed various art objects about the place. Around this time I was working a lot of overtime in my job at the bank, for which I could claim payment in Marks and Spencer’s vouchers. These were spent on what Salon listings described as “the finest wines and cheeses”. DVDs were sourced through the Amazon DVD rental service, and occasionally bought from eBay or other retailers when the titles were too obscure. Attendance for these events was usually about three or four people; often it could be many more, and once or twice it was just myself. Each week events were publicized through text message, social networking websites, and this blog.
08/11/07 LA PLANETE SAUVAGE (1973, Dir. Rene Laloux)
15/11/07 ARAKIMENTARI (2004, Dir. Travis Klose)
22/11/07 THE BEYOND (L’Aldila’) (1981, Dir. Lucio Fulci)
29/11/07 The complete WILLO THE WISP (1981, Dir. Nick Spargo)
09/12/07 HAXAN Witchcraft Through The Ages (1922, Dir. Benjamin Christensen)
13/12/07 SUCCUBUS (1968, Dir. Jess Franco)
20/12/07 CHRISTMAS EVIL (1980, Dir. Lewis Jackson)
10/01/08 964 PINOCCHIO (1991, Dir. Shozin Fukui)
17/01/08 ALICE IN WONDERLAND (1966, Dir. Jonathan Miller)
24/01/08 NEKROMANTIK (1987, Dir. Jorg Buttgereit)
31/01/08 LITTLE OTIK (2000, Dir. Jan Svankmajer)
07/02/08 BLOOD AND BLACK LACE (1964, Dir. Mario Bava)
14/02/08 PANDORA’S BOX (1929, Dir. G W Pabst)
21/02/08 LIQUID SKY (1982, Dir. Slava Tsukerman)
28/02/08 THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE (1921, Dir. Victor Sjostrom)
06/03/08 CHRISTIANE F. (1981, Dir. Uli Edel)
13/03/08 GIRL SLAVES OF MORGANA LE FAY (1971, Dir. Bruno Gantillon)
20/03/08 FAUST (1926, Dir. F W Murnau)
27/03/08 AFTERMATH (1994, Dir. Nacho Cerda)
03/04/08 DER FAN (1982, Dir. Eckhart Schmidt)
17/04/08 THE SHIVER OF THE VAMPIRES (1971, Dir. Jean Rollin)
24/04/08 15 (2003, Royston Tan)
01/05/08 LAST HOUSE ON DEAD END STREET (1977, Dir. Roger Watkins)
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