The forthcoming issue of Yuck 'n Yum will feature an MSN Messenger chat between myself, Nadia Rossi and Perri MacKenzie on the subject of the young US artist Ryan Trecartin. In the interests of full disclosure what follows is all the chat that was left on the cutting-room floor:
nightridr43 says: (20:57:59)
are you keeping your name as ben?
nightridr43 says: (20:58:08)
i changed mine
Ben says: (20:58:17)
how do I change it?
nightridr43 says: (20:58:38)
go to MESSENGER then preferences i think
_Black_Acrylic says: (20:59:15)
_Black_Acrylic says: (20:59:41)
Not a bad turnout
nightridr43 says: (20:59:56)
for so
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:07:30)
what happened to your blogger name mssnrossi huh?
nightridr43 says: (21:07:49)
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:07:49)
We tried to have a Yuck 'n Yum meeting on Messenger earlier, total fucking disaster
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:07:57)
ah rubbish
nightridr43 says: (21:08:02)
really? how come?
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:08:12)
you're not showing up as niteridr anymore, that's all
nightridr43 says: (21:08:29)
i am on my convo box.....?
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:08:35)
here too
nightridr43 says: (21:08:50)
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:08:53)
oh that'S a funny one
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:09:13)
I think my version of messenger is full of bugs
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:09:18)
it won't let me change my picture
nightridr43 says: (21:09:33)
green fat man it is then
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:09:36)
I wanted something more matronly, more bloglike, but no.
nightridr43 says: (21:09:39)
could be worse.....
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:09:50)
you're looking green around the gills
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:10:14)
In my one I look blue
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:10:15)
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:10:45)
my picture's old. I've aged terribly since then
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:11:02)
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:19:12)
So who came as PASTA?
nightridr43 says: (21:19:27)
no one in the end
nightridr43 says: (21:19:36)
i had rice for dinner though
nightridr43 says: (21:19:43)
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:19:53)
It's a good look
nightridr43 says: (21:19:53)
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:19:57)
I was thinking of coming as Amerisha
nightridr43 says: (21:20:02)
I always forget about rice
nightridr43 says: (21:20:18)
I will be Shin then
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:20:36)
It just made a noise
nightridr43 says: (21:20:37)
I know she is kind of like pasta thou
nightridr43 says: (21:20:44)
what did?
nightridr43 says: (21:20:53)
our converstaion?
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:20:58)
The thing, the messenger
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:21:17)
Like a chime
nightridr43 says: (21:21:28)
Oh maybe it was just re organising something inside
nightridr43 says: (21:21:38)
nightridr43 says: (21:21:48)
I think you have an email
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:21:50)
I'll go check
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:22:04)
A new area might have been created
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:22:16)
(I will shut up about areas soon I promise)
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:22:26)
A message on Facebook
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:22:37)
Very 2.0
nightridr43 says: (21:22:40)
Speaking of areas, how is yours mummy bloghead?
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:23:40)
It's good thanks, expanding slowly
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:23:56)
How's your area niteridr?
nightridr43 says: (21:24:11)
same old, same old
nightridr43 says: (21:24:20)
not much to report
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:24:25)
Mine's decrepit
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:25:07)
I like it that way
nightridr43 says: (21:25:08)
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:25:23)
Yep it's cool
nightridr43 says: (21:25:32)
like cold or kewl
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:25:41)
I really love Skippy
nightridr43 says: (21:25:49)
i hat spotify ads
nightridr43 says: (21:25:54)
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:26:20)
Skippy's kewl. Don't know Spotify ads
nightridr43 says: (21:27:09)
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:27:21)
Skippy and I Be make me think of members of Nsync
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:27:55)
Which NSync?
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:28:01)
I'm not sure
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:28:02)
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:28:08)
maybe Justin yeah
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:28:18)
Don't know any more
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:28:33)
I'm more Take That
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:28:55)
or E17
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:29:50)
Boybands are over these days, now it's all indie schmindie
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:30:14)
Or arty farty
nightridr43 says: (21:30:20)
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:30:39)
Don't apologise
nightridr43 says: (21:31:13)
im back...went to source some hot dessert but could only find cerea;
nightridr43 says: (21:31:15)
nightridr43 says: (21:31:51)
nightridr43 says: (21:32:03)
i tried to press the like button
nightridr43 says: (21:33:20)
are we talking about the right things black acrylic....?
nightridr43 says: (21:33:29)
you are in charge in here
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:33:55)
Higher things like RT?
nightridr43 says: (21:34:36)
well i mean is this how we should talk, or should we talk in another kind of way
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:35:14)
This is cool. Talk how you feel like!
nightridr43 says: (21:36:27)
I had perfume called me2 when I was young
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:36:48)
I've not memorised enough quotes
nightridr43 says: (21:37:04)
mummy bloghead is a cheat
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:37:15)
I am a cheat-
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:37:22)
a dirty cheat.
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:46:49)
Home - School - Bank
nightridr43 says: (21:47:17)
banks, geez get out of there
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:47:37)
I work in one, it sucks!
nightridr43 says: (21:47:38)
i'm putting my cash under my bed from now on
nightridr43 says: (21:48:04)
1 pound a day interest on the overdraft and a fiver if you go over
nightridr43 says: (21:48:10)
total bump
nightridr43 says: (21:48:47)
i was working in a toy shop today
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:48:55)
Oh man. Or you can switch to the Ultimate Reward Account... wait I'm not at work
nightridr43 says: (21:48:55)
mummy were you at work?
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:49:32)
I was at work today
nightridr43 says: (21:49:34)
STOP B.A, they are taking over you from the inside out
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:50:06)
They'll never break me! Besides I'm an anarchist
nightridr43 says: (21:50:15)
what did you do today at work mummy?
nightridr43 says: (21:50:29)
an ar christ
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:50:40)
Where's mummy disappeared?
nightridr43 says: (21:51:09)
i don't know, but she is holding this family together...she better come back quick
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:51:20)
How was the toy shop anyway?
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:51:32)
I'm here!
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:51:40)
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:51:45)
I had to deal with my least favourite age group today.
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:51:54)
children aged 6-8.
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:51:58)
it was HIDEOUS
nightridr43 says: (21:51:59)
i made paper chains and a lucky dip ice box with fake snow and tinsel
nightridr43 says: (21:52:11)
it cost 50p to have a go
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:52:14)
Teenagers are worst
nightridr43 says: (21:52:35)
6-8, hmmm. do boys like girls at that age?
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:52:37)
At least teenagers can kind of engage with you
nightridr43 says: (21:52:45)
like in a friendly way not a fancy way
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:52:55)
Boys like girls at all ages
nightridr43 says: (21:53:00)
I can never remember what age you hate boys at
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:53:10)
at 6 to 8 they never ever remember your name, even if you've been working with them for months
nightridr43 says: (21:53:10)
nightridr43 says: (21:53:17)
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:53:23)
and when they talk to you they have this unfocused look that really gets to me
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:53:43)
You say you hate girls to look cool but secretly you love them and feel ashamed
nightridr43 says: (21:53:46)
like the look thats on my face most of the time?
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:53:53)
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:53:59)
Especially on your wee boy face
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:54:29)
I got IDd the other week in M&S
nightridr43 says: (21:54:35)
i only have that look because there is too much to look at and listen to and get out of the way of
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:54:49)
aw no!
Mummy Bloghead says: (21:54:57)
I suppose both you and niterider have wee boy faces then
nightridr43 says: (21:55:10)
suppose so
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:55:29)
Just carry ID
nightridr43 says: (21:56:33)
I do
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:56:47)
I don't have any
nightridr43 says: (21:57:05)
You should make some out of something you've had for years
nightridr43 says: (21:57:20)
And be like, I've had this for years, I'm old
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:57:41)
Not carrying my passport everywhere
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:57:56)
Carry a really old teddy bear
nightridr43 says: (21:58:28)
Yes but bearcareful not to lose him
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:58:41)
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:58:53)
tie him to your coat
nightridr43 says: (21:59:12)
using a key ribbon, mummy has one of those
nightridr43 says: (21:59:19)
its blue and has lots of keys on it
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:59:22)
good idea
nightridr43 says: (21:59:28)
do you think we will still have keys in the future?
nightridr43 says: (21:59:43)
we won't have wires or real money
_Black_Acrylic says: (21:59:48)
it will all be microchips
nightridr43 says: (22:00:10)
like sd cards? will they look like those?
_Black_Acrylic says: (22:00:27)
what are sd cards?
nightridr43 says: (22:00:40)
those wee cards you get in your camera
Mummy Bloghead has left the conversation.
_Black_Acrylic says: (22:01:08)
come back Mummy Bloghead!
_Black_Acrylic says: (22:01:57)
Well that's cool, we have a lot of material there
nightridr43 says: (22:02:13)
think we do?
nightridr43 says: (22:02:56)
what are you thinking...taking a wee bits from this and adding it to the text you sent earlier or something?
_Black_Acrylic says: (22:03:13)
Yeah, it can be edited. If you think of any good points you can email them as well
nightridr43 says: (22:03:52)
sure thing
_Black_Acrylic says: (22:04:13)
Nice 1, cheers nightridr43
nightridr43 says: (22:04:36)
no problem ba, takes me back being on msn....
nightridr43 says: (22:04:51)
let me know how things go with putting this together
nightridr43 says: (22:04:59)
i'll send anything else i think of over
_Black_Acrylic says: (22:05:22)
Good times. This meeting went much better than the one earlier
nightridr43 says: (22:05:34)
really? must have been a bad time
nightridr43 says: (22:05:41)
we need to learn to type like the kids
nightridr43 says: (22:05:43)
nightridr43 says: (22:06:14)
we could speak much more in much less time
_Black_Acrylic says: (22:06:24)
nightridr43 says: (22:07:07)
_Black_Acrylic says: (22:07:22)