Exciting news today as the AGK is officially launched! LINK
YUCK ‘N YUM AGK (Annual General Karaoke):
Yuck 'n Yum will soon be hosting our inaugural AGM and are writing to you, our stakeholders, to encourage you to set the agenda.
Instead of an AGM we are holding an AGK: an Annual General Karaoke. This will be held on Saturday 18th September in Dundee. We are inviting artists, musicians, filmmakers and other creatives to submit a karaoke video, to be performed on the night.
The prize for Best Video will be £300, plus a mini residency at the Hannah Maclure Centre. There will also be an assortment of other prizes up for grabs.
The videos will be toured as part of YNYs Mobile Karaoke Unit beginning its journey at Deveron Arts' Hairst Festival, October 2010.
The deadline for submission of your videos is August 12th. Please visit our website for comprehensive details as to our submission process:
Terms and conditions will apply.
Yuck ’n Yum
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