Friday 24 July 2009

Cupar Arts Festival

In October Yuck ‘n Yum will be taking part in the Cupar Arts Festival. On Saturday we are heading over to deliver a short presentation of our plans; what follows is a rough sketch of the proposal.

Yuck ‘n Yum will don the guise of a company handing out free samples of their latest “product”. In this case the merchandise will be editions of works of art. This can be a print, a badge, a short film or audio piece. This would be something that can fit in a small satchel and is affordable to produce.

The works of art will be handed out by voluntary “Yuck ‘n Yum Art Distribution Agents” or “YYADAs”. Each ‘agent’ will wear a branded skip hat and t-shirt whilst sporting the official Yuck 'n Yum knapsack, exposing the public to our brand.

The representatives will shuttle from venue to venue distributing art to the public along the way. We believe the projections of artistic exposure to be astronomical.

Of course we extend the invitation to all artists and friends to become an ‘agent’ for the day. We believe the experience on the frontline will be invaluable to your good selves and something you can take pride in.

Just think of it:

Your Grandchildren – “What did you do during the Great Cupar
Arts Festival of 2009?”

You (full of pride with a tear in your eye) – “I was a YYADA”

“Ask not what your local arts scene can do for you, but what you can do for your local arts scene”: Former Dundee Resident
Rolf Harris (we think)

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